Renew Membership

Please select your membership type …

  • The PayPal secure gateway is used for this transaction.
    You don’t have to join PayPal, but can use your Credit Card* (Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover), via their secure server.
    *Note: If you wish to make the payment from your bank account, please do not use a Debit Card.
    You must contact Membership  for our bank details, then a bank transfer can be done.

Personal (Normal) Membership – $60.00 for one year.

Concession Membership – $40.00 for one year.

Corporate Membership – $150.00 for one year.


  • Membership is for one year from the date you join. You will receive membership renewal emails.
  • Concession Membership is available to Pension Concession Card, Companion Card – States and Territories of Australia, Low Income Health Care Card, Seniors Card and Student Card ISIC or similar (Full time). 
  • Corporate Membership includes a total of THREE representative members listed to attend meetings, a promotional listing of your business within our website and monthly newsletter. 
  • For Family Membership, please organise this at an Inventors’ meeting. The cost is $30 for each direct family member related to an existing IAA(SA)Inc member.